#6 | The Secrets That Men Keep - With Elise Michaels

#6 | The Secrets That Men Keep - With Elise Michaels

On this week's episode of the "I Wish You Knew" podcast, Adam and Sarah sit down with Elise Michaels, a Men’s Dating and Relationship coach. Together, they have an insightful conversation about men's mental health, childhood wounds, masculinity, and healthy relationships. Elise shares her perspective as a woman working with men in this space. She offers advice for men on attracting fulfilling relationships, avoiding common dating pitfalls, and becoming the best version of themselves. 

They discuss the importance of men embracing vulnerability and working through "mother wounds" and "father wounds" from childhood in order to build intimacy. Adam provides tips for men on expressing emotions authentically and creating fulfillment in dating, business, and family life. They challenge notions of modern day feminism and encourage men to have confidence in their masculinity.

Look out for the conversation around:

  • The impact of childhood wounds on men's relationships
  • Why many successful men feel unfulfilled
  • What healthy masculine energy looks like
  • Red flags when dating women
  • Creating space in your life for a partner
  • Understanding what real chemistry and attraction means

If you're a man looking to transform your dating and relationship success, this conversation offers some great insights. Elise and Sarah provide the female perspective on what confidence looks like in a man, while Adam shares actionable emotional skills.

If you liked this episode we know you will love our conversation with Zuby: 


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Need more help with your attachment? Work with Adam: www.adamlanesmith.com

Looking to develop in your relationships? Work with Sarah: www.sarahdawnmoore.com


If you like what you’re listening to and want to hear more:

Follow the Elise Michaels:


Website: https://www.elisemicheals.com/ 

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@EliseMicheals 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elisemicheals_/?hl=en 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheEliseMicheals/ 

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/discover/elise-michaels 

Follow the “I Wish You Knew” Podcast:


Website: iwishyouknew.show
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Apple: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/i-wish-you-knew/id1713427809 


Follow Adam Lane Smith:


Website: www.adamlanesmith.com
Youtube: @attachmentadam
Instagram: www.instagram.com/attachmentadam
Twitter: twitter.com/TheBrometheus
Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@attachmentbro 


Follow Sarah Dawn Moore:  


Website: www.sarahdawnmoore.com/home
Youtube:  @sarahdawnmoore
Instagram: www.instagram.com/sarahdawnmoore
Twitter: twitter.com/SarahDawnMoore
Tiktok: tiktok.com/@sarahdawnmoore


Next episode drops Thursday :)

See you there. 

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